
Amazon Linux 2 Security Advisory: ALAS-2024-2647
Advisory Release Date: 2024-09-25 22:07 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2024-10-02 14:30 Pacific
Severity: Medium

Issue Overview:

eventlet before 0.35.2, as used in dnspython before 2.6.0, allows remote attackers to interfere with DNS name resolution by quickly sending an invalid packet from the expected IP address and source port, aka a "TuDoor" attack. In other words, dnspython does not have the preferred behavior in which the DNS name resolution algorithm would proceed, within the full time window, in order to wait for a valid packet. NOTE: dnspython 2.6.0 is unusable for a different reason that was addressed in 2.6.1. (CVE-2023-29483)

Affected Packages:



This advisory is applicable to Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) Core repository. Visit this FAQ section for the difference between AL2 Core and AL2 Extras advisories.

Issue Correction:
Run yum update python-dns to update your system.

New Packages:
