Amazon Linux 2 Security Advisory: ALASANSIBLE2-2023-001
Advisory Release Date: 2023-08-04 20:34 Pacific
Advisory Updated Date: 2023-09-25 22:13 Pacific
A flaw was found in Ansible, where a user's controller is vulnerable to template injection. This issue can occur through facts used in the template if the user is trying to put templates in multi-line YAML strings and the facts being handled do not routinely include special template characters. This flaw allows attackers to perform command injection, which discloses sensitive information. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to confidentiality and integrity. (CVE-2021-3583)
Affected Packages:
This advisory is applicable to Amazon Linux 2 - Ansible2 Extra. Visit this page to learn more about Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) Extras and this FAQ section for the difference between AL2 Core and AL2 Extras advisories.
Issue Correction:
Run yum update ansible to update your system.